I Drew You a Story

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I've saved up my money from the Shoppe and a couple of odd jobs here and there... and I finally bought a Wacom tablet! I went ahead and spent enough for the Intuos, since I plan on using this tablet well beyond high school-- certainly in college, since I'm planning on a graphics design major-- and probably on my future jobs!

This is my first-ever large purchase. :) I think the most expensive thing I've ever bought before this was around $30!

I love my tablet and I'm in the super-excited, bouncing-off-walls, hyper-dance mode.


I just had to immediately prove to the world (*cough* the tiny bit of the world who reads my blog, still a surprisingly giant amount of people) that 1) my new tablet is awesome, and 2) I CAN'T DRAW ON IT VERY WELL YET.

But this was my first drawing with it, so maybe there is hope for me yet!

(Sorry for all the caps. I'm excited.)