How to Write In Elvish

 This is a post from my old blog, Nevdroonia. Since I'm on a Lord of the Rings kick right now, I thought I'd share it with all of you!

I don't claim to have this all correct. I wrote this post... when I was 13? 14? and was very confused about the info on Elvish. Please feel free to ask questions or correct me on any point.

And so... may I present to you ladies, gentlemen, and fairies...  
Shaylynn's Guide to Writing English using Elvish letters.

Well, I don't know the language, but I can write English in Tengwar (Elvish letters)! (JRR Tolkien made an entire Elvish language, did you know?) I taught myself, peicing together snippets I found in various places. Most likely I have it all wrong, but... it looks impressive! These are the pages from my notebooks where I wrote notes on it.

The first page shows
1) the Elvish letter
2) the symbol that I think symoblizes the sound,
3) an example of how that sound is used in a word, then the name of the Elvish letter. It has only consonants on it.

The second page has more notes, and the vowels. I am still confused on those, but I use the symbols that say "typically these" by it, and I do not do the "y", as I write more phonetically.
Page three has more notes, esp. explaining that English can be written in Tengwar phonetically (based on sounds, like shorthand) and letter-by-letter (which is generally more confusing to write but easier to read).

These are two visual aids I made, to help you see how the letters fit together. The top one is Sindarin mode (which I use the most) and the bottom is Quenya. You cut out the peices, and arrange them into words. It helps you see how the vowels and consonants fit together.