شرح انشاء قائمة التبويبات المنسدلة

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إضافة مميزة بتنسيق حصري تقوم الإضافة بعمل تبويبات او قوائم منسدلة لكن بتفعيل يدوي عبر الضغط يمكنك عبر تلك القائمة ان تنشئ الكثير من الأشياء قائمة روابط مثلا لمن يحبون عمل أسئلة أو يمكن عمل فهرس لاهم المواضيع او حتى اضافة أدوات تظهر مع الضغط وهذا ما سنراه في المثال الحي التالي
كما لاحظنا في المعاينة هناك روابط وهناك اضافة يمكنك تخصيص الآداة كما تريد والآن لشرح التركيب والتعامل مع الإضافة
هذا هو كود الإضافة يمكنك استخدامه في آداة HTML/JavaScript أو حتى داخل موضوع

 الكود المعلم بالأحمر يمكنك ازالته ان كانت لديك مكتبة جي كويري في قالبك
طبعا الكلمات العربية يمكنك تعديلها كما تشاء
ورمز الـ # بجوار كل كلمة هو الرابط أيضاً يمكنك تعديله ما عدا الخاص بالزر الاساسي لكل قائمة وهو المعلم بالأزرق
لعمل قائمة إضافية كل ما عليك فعله هو تكرار الكود الاخضر كاملا
مع مراعاة ان تكرار الكود البني داخل الكود الاخضر معناه رابط زيادة في القائمة
وهذا السطر ما هو الا فاصل فقط بين القائمة والاخرى ليسهل التعديل والإضافة
يمكنك تعديل هذا اللون #0480d9 لتغير لون أزرار القائمة
وهذا لتغيير اللون #e7f3fc عند تمرير الماوس على الروابط
وهذا هو لون الإطار #7dc2f3
الرقم 300 هو عرض القائمة يمكنك تعديله
بالنسبة لطريقة اضافة آداة بدلا من الرابط كما في المثال أضفت صندوق الفيس بوك
بدلا من ان تكرر القائمة الخضراء كاملة كرر فقط الكود التالي

ملاحظة : بخصوص تأثير الإهتزاز نلاحظ في المعاينة انه عند التنقل بين القوائم يحدث اهتزاز ان لم ترد التأثير بهذا الشكل وتريده انسيابي بدون إهتزاز استبدل الكود الأصفر بالكود التالي
وبهذا انتهى موضوعناً وبالتوفيق

انشاء صفحات الخطأ أو اعادة توجيهها

Error Page 404 Redirect
ان صفحات الخطأ تعتبر من الأشياء الأساسية في بلوجر سنتطرق  لأهم خصائص تلك الصفحات وطرق اعدادها أو حتى ان يتم إعادة توجيهها وحتى ضبط القوالب التي لا تدعم عمل صفحات الخطأ نبدأ أولا بطريقة تفعيل صفحة الخطأ
  1. من إعدادات المدونة
  2. نختار تفضيلات البحث
  3. الاخطاء وعمليات إعادة التوجيه 
  4. لم يتم العثور على الصفحة المخصصة
  5. نضغط على كلمة تحرير التي بجانبها
صورة توضيحية

في المكان المخصص لإضافة الأكواد نضيف الكود التالى

صفحة خطأ

الموضوع أو الصفحة التي تبحث عنها إما انها حذفت أو غير موجودة من البداية اضغط على الرابط التالي للعودة للرئيسية


أو إستخدم محرك البحث التالي لإيجاد ما تريد

هذا هو كود صفحة خطأ يمكنك معاينتها من هنـــــــــــــا
هذا اللون #FFFFFF هو لون الخلفية يمكنك تغيره بلون آخر او ازالة هذه الأسطر إن اردتها بلون خلفية القالب
  border-radius: 8px;
  box-shadow: 0 0 4px #222222;
أما الرقم 500 هو المقاس يمكنك تغيره أو جعله نسبة مئوية ليكون متجاوب 98%
طبعا هناك الوان اخرى بقليل من الخبرة يمكنك تعديلها

إعادة التوجيه

غاليا ما تستخدم إعادة التوجيه لسببين
الاول من لا يريد ان يضيف صفحة خطأ فيعيد التوجيه الى الرئيسية
الثاني القالب محذوف منه صفحات الخطأ أو به مشكلة هنا الحل كالتالي
أضف الكود التالي فوق الوسم

الكود سيعيد التوجيه الى الصفحة الرئيسية
ويمكنك استبدال رابط الصورة المعلم بالاخضر التي تظهر عند إعادة التوجيه برابط صورة أخرى
وان اردت التوجيه الى صفحة أخرى غير الرئيسية
انسخ رابطها واضفه بدلا من علامة /
على أن يكون الشكل كالتالي
مثال هذا رابط موضوعنا
لو اردنا اعادة توجيه صفحة الخطأ للموضوع نضيف بدلا من علامة /
الجزء الأحمر فقط من الرابط وهذا ينطبق على أى رابط في المدونة ان اردنا ان نوجه صفحات الخطأ اليه
هذه هي اهم طرق عمل صفحات الخطأ مع أى قالب وتجنب الأخطاء التي تكون عائقاً في انشاء الصفحة في بعض القوالب

تأثير التحميل عند التنقل بين الصفحات في بلوجر

Blogger Page Loading Effect
لمسة جمالية مميزة على مدونتك بتقنية جي كويري تتيح الخاصية عمل تأثير تحميل عند التنقل بين الصفحات في مدونتك  بدلا من الإنتظار وظهور الصفحة غير كاملة , الخاصية خفيفة وسهلة التركيب طبعا كما اعتدنا يمكنك معاينة الخاصية أولا معاينة حية عبر الرابط التالي لاحظ عند الضغط على روابط المواضيع او الأدوات التي تحيل لمواضيع داخل المدونة سنجد ظهور التأثير
طريقة التركيب سهلة وبسيطة فقط أضف الكود التالي فوق الوسم

ويمكنك تعديل الرابط الأحمر برابط صورة تحميل أخرى بدلا من الإقتراضية وستجد في بحث صور جوجل مئات الصور ان بحثت تحت كلمة loading
ويمكنك تعديل هذا اللون #000 وهو لون الخلفية
في حال عدم عمل الإضافة هذا يعني ان مكتبة جي كويري غير مضافة في مدونتك
قم بإضافتها بوضع الكود التالي فوق الوسم

آداة القسم الثاني والثالث استبدل كلمة القسم1 بإسم القسم الذي سيعرض على اليسار
والقسم2 بإسم القسم الذي سيعرض على اليمين





آداة القسم الرابع استبدل كلمة القسم بإسم القسم أو التسمية المراد عرض المواضيع منه


طبعا لا تنسى تعديل أكواد الميتا تاج في بداية القالب ويمكنك الإستعانة بهذا الموضوع لتعديلها
ويرجى عدم حذف الحقوق والإلتزام بشروط الإستخدام
دمتم في امان الله

The Love of Starlight {Painting}

I got started on Tumblr a few months ago (I'm shaylynnann over there), and I've joined the Tolkien Read-Along event, in which a bunch of Tolkien fans got together and are reading The Silmarillion together.

(For those not nerdy enough to know what The Silmarillion is, it is basically the history and mythology of the world that The Lord of the Rings is set in. It's fantastic but something of a difficult read-- it's not a novel!).

On Sunday I had the rare luxury of free time with nothing to do and nothing hanging over my head, shouting deadlines in my ear. I spent the afternoon and evening drawing, inking, and painting this picture!

It is inspired by the Elves and their love of the stars, and features four quotes from the chapters The Silmarillion that we are covering in this week's readalong. 

For lack of a better name, I am calling this The Love of Starlight.

Click "READ MORE" to see the rest of this post-- behind the scene of the artwork, and an explanation of what is going on in the picture.

Fact: I can't EVER listen to anything but calm background music while doing this part of a drawing. It takes too much brainpower.

It's not exactly a secret that 1) I love basically everything Tolkien-related, 2) I love illuminated manuscripts, and 3) I love bright colors and detailed inkwork.

In this first picture, you can see the start of the drawing. Oh, the fun of rulers and compasses. I have to say that it is really nice to sit down and "doodle" a drawing. I know that this really doesn't qualify as a doodle, but I got to approach it with the same mindset. There were no assignment parameters, no specific challenges to meet, no particular story to tell. Just me, the paper, and some quotes from a book.

I've got my sketchbook with my old painting of the Two Trees of Valinor open because I wanted to echo the tree design in the new painting.

Fact: Listening to audiobooks and podcasts during this stage is the BEST.

I ran into some trouble with the inks.

I use an old fountain pen turned dip pen with interchangeable nibs, and the top part of the pen has somehow disappeared, so I just use my pencil extender to hold the nibs in place to write. The problem is that if I get carried away it's easy to pop the nib out of the extender and make the ink bleed everywhere... which it did, twice.

Also, my india ink somehow isn't perfectly waterproof. It was on 90% of the drawing, but on the quote "Even among the radiant flowers..." it bled like crazy when I attempted to paint it yellow. I'm confused.

The finished inking!

Next the watercolors!

I have a bit of a downfall when it comes to colors. I originally wanted the drawing to be mysterious and starlike in muted shades of blues, purples, silvers, and greens.

haha yeah right that was going to happen.

Instead I made a veritable rainbow. I still like the finished project, it's just not like what I originally thought up.

The good news is that I did not overly plan this painting (I sat down to read the chapters, decide what to draw, start, and finish, all in about six hours).

The finished piece! The last touch was to use some really cool shimmer paint that I found in my mom's  old scrapbooking kit. It doesn't show in the scan (the first image in this post), but hopefully the above photograph shows how sparkly, silver-y, and starlike the shimmer paint is.

Oh yes, and I also used masking fluid in order to make the stars. I originally was going to just load some white paint onto a paint brush, bang the brush on the back of my hand, and let it splatter, but then I remembered that I bought masking fluid and never learned to use it. I think I've got the hang of it now, and MAN does it SMELL!

Now to explain the quotes and symbolism in this painting:

Fan of The Lord of the Rings know that the ancient, mysterious, and wise Elves love starlight. The Elves honor a semi-angelic being called Elbereth. Elbereth is also called Varda. Close readers of the book will recognize these names-- Frodo sings a song or hymn to Elbereth, as do the Elves.

The Silmarillion explains the reasons why the Elves love starlight and Varda so much. The short story is that the Elves came to being before the Sun and Moon were made.

(It helps to keep in mind that Tolkien's work is meant as a type of mythology and creation myth for the world of Arda (the world that contains Middle-Earth).  The Silmarillion seems to draw from old English and Norse and Germanic myths, but with the interesting mix of Tolkien's Catholic worldview flavoring it.)

So, in the beginning, before the Elves and Men were Awakened on Middle-Earth, the Valar (semi-angelic beings of a sort, including Varda) worked on Middle Earth. One of the Valar, Melkor, decided to go off and do his own thing and becomes the Head Honcho Evil Villain Of All Time.

The Valar made great Lamps to light Middle-Earth while they created the land and everything on it according to the plans of Iluvatar. Eventually Melkor destroyed the Lamps and set great Fires raging over the land. The good Valar decided they needed a break and went over to their special island called Valinor, there to wait until the Children of Iluvatar (aka Elves and Men) came into being. Meanwhile Middle-Earth was darkened by Head Honcho Evil Villain Of All Time.

Valinor was lit by the Two Trees of Valinor, which I explained a lot about back when I did a painting of the Two Trees. Basically, the Trees started keeping track of time. One gave off warm light for half a day, the other gave silvery blue light for the other half. The light of these trees was captured in the gemstones called the Silmaril, which caused a bunch of drama and after which The Silmarillion is named. Oh yeah, and the light of the two trees eventually became the Sun and the Moon. 

The Valar eventually learned from Iluvatar that the time for the coming of the Elves was nearing. They were worried about having to go fight Melkor, but decided to wait a while. In the meantime, though...

The Valar named Varda began a great labor, fixing the fires of innumerable bright stars in the sky. She worked for many years to bring light to Middle-Earth.

The Elves were Awakened on Middle Earth by a lake that reflected the light of the stars. They lived there for a time, learning about the world around them and developing language. But there was as yet no Sun or Moon.

When the Elves first appeared on Middle Earth, there was no light besides the light of the stars.

Later, the Valar wanted to keep the Elves safe from Melkor and invited the Elves to go to the Heavenlike island of Valinor. Many of the Elves did go, and were amazed by the beauty of the light given off by the Two Trees. 

Despite the beautiful light of the Trees (and later the light of the Sun and Moon), the Elves never lost their love of starlight and their special devotion to Varda, the Maker of the Stars.

The top of the painting features a quote from Iluvatar (who is basically a sort of allegory for God-- I know that Tolkien didn't like allegories but that's the best way to explain who Iluvatar is). He says:

"It is doom that the Firstborn shall come in the darkness... Great light is for their waning."

(The Firstborn are the Elves). Basically, Iluvatar is letting the Valar know that the Elves will not know the light of the Trees or of the Sun and Moon at the beginning.

The quote at the bottom of the painting reads:

"Varda took the silver dews from the vats of Telperion, and therewith she made new stars."

Telperion was the name of the Tree that gave off silvery light (and later created the light of the Moon). This quote is about her labor making the stars.

The central quote says:

"The eyes of the Quendi beheld first of all the stars of Heaven. Therefore they have ever loved the starlight."

(The Elves called themselves the Quendi). This is pretty self-explanatory.

The quote inside the larger ring needs some more explanation:

"Even among the radiant flowers of the Tree-Lit gardens, they longed still at times to see the stars."

Remember how the Valar invited the Elves to Valinor? And that the Two Trees lived on Valinor? This quote is about how the Elves never lost their love of the starlight.

The design covering the field of stars connecting the center calligraphy to the outer ring is a copy of the heraldic device used on the cover of The Silmarillion.

And the trees in the pictures (the bluish one and the yellowish one) are obviously the Two Trees.

The Silmarillion is very confusing to explain-- just read it to appreciate the beauty! But it was strangely inspirational right when I needed something random to draw. I hope you've liked this lengthly peek into my process!

On My Workdesk Wednesday #3

This is WOYWW #270 (and the third time I've participated) and if you want to see the workdesks of other artists and crafters, check out the linky here!

My workdesk this week is once again the dining room table. Last week, I was making new graphics for my blog and editing photos. I've still been doing that, but a couple days ago I had some beautiful free-time to spend painting.

The picture above shows the very start of a drawing that I inked and watercolored. I'm still working on getting a blog post up about it, but for the meantime, here's a progress picture from my Instagram:

Whoah, Instagram pictures look weird when they aren't two inches big on your phone!

The painting is an illuminated-style illustration of some quotes in The Silmarillion (the history and mythology of the world that The Lord of the Rings takes place in). The whole theme of the piece is about how much the Elves love starlight. 

I've haven't only painted this week, but I haven't been as productive as I want. I'm actually writing this post on Tuesday night because all of tomorrow (Wednesday) is going to be spent in the studio.

Tomorrow is my last full day to spend in the studio before I leave for school.

I'm excited for another year at college but so sad that my summer is nearly over. I've been busy, and also took two summer courses, and time really flies.

Anyway, my point was that as of Tuesday I don't have a picture of my real workdesk. I'll try to update this post with a snapshot at the end of the day on Wednesday. But I do have a picture of a piece of jewelry that I made for someone who wanted a black-and-white medieval-style necklace featuring the Evenstar pendant. She is doing a cosplay of Lyanna Stark from Game of Thrones.

Here's what I came up with (pic from Instagram):

I really enjoyed making this necklace-- I just kicked back and listened to Goose Girl by Shannon Hale (fantastic YA fantasy novel to listen to, it was interesting and didn't require much concentration) and played with beads and wire for a couple hours.

So... This has been a peek into what I've been working on since last Workdesk Wednesday. I'm looking forward to glancing at everyone else's blog and seeing their workspaces later this week!

تحميل لعبة اندرويد مجانا Ice Age Adventures

تحميل لعبة اندرويد مجانا Ice Age Adventures
صور من العبة 

تحميل لعبة اندرويد مجانا Ice Age Adventures

فيديو العبة 

تحميل لعبة اندرويد مجانا Ice Age Adventures

We're All Mad Here

“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.” 
~   Alice in Wonderland   ~

Now, before I share the full costumed photoshoot, I thought it would be only too fun to share the bloopers. My reasoning:

1) This photoshoot was with family.
2) My family is crazy.
3) Sometimes my family look as crazy and goofy as they are.
4) The only thing that can cheer one up better than goofy, smiling people in fairytale costumes is grumpy cats doing cute things. My mom is allergic to cats. We've never had a pet. I don't have cute cat pictures to share. But I do have cute, crazy pictures of my cute, crazy cousins and aunts.


Click "READ MORE" to see the other pictures.



Ballerina Elf Warrior Wizard

We did eyeliner and hairspray "henna tattoos." This one says "Cake is Life."

The Princess and the Wizard Elf discover modern people.

My aunts make the decision to dress up in my costumes.

There commenced another round of hairstyling, accessorizing, and and general pretty-ifying. My box of jewelry was dug through around seven or eight times to find the perfect pieces.

Ring Around the Rosie.

We all love each other. So much.


This IS my cousin. Everything you need to know about her personality, you see RIGHT HERE. 
Mother Daughter Love



Rosie's Fashion Lookbook

My little sister "Rosie" helped me create a fashio video featuring my jewelry. She designed all of the outfits and picked out the jewelry herself! She also chose the song.

The video is under four minutes long; please check it out! Not only is it stinkin' cute, but if you've been eyeing anything in my Shoppe it's always nice to see it "in action" on someone.

But, mostly, watch because Rose is stinkin' cute!